Passionate Educator & Corporate Trainer

Passionate Educator & Corporate Trainer in Financial Markets with over 10000+ hours of Training experience with 1000+ sessions in NiSM-CPE, IAP's, Personal Finance & Mutual Funds
Having rich experience in designing & delivery of assignments in Financial Domain. Total Experience over 25 years of experience, including 19 years in Financial Services.
Apart from holding CFP certification, holds Degrees as S/W Engineer, Graduate in Psychology, IRDA Direct Broker Certified (National Insurance Academy) and Licentiate member (LIII) of Insurance Institute of India.
Holds NiSM certifications in Mutual Funds, Investment Advisor & Portfolio Management Distributor Certification as well.

Mutual Fund Distributor

NiSM-VA Mutual Fund Distributor Exam Prepration Training require for all persons involved in selling and distributing mutual funds including…

Rs. 3000/-

PMS Distributor Exam

NiSM–XXI-A (Portfolio Management Services) Distributor examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for distributors…

Rs. 4000/-

Passionate Educator &
Corporate Trainer


National Institute of Securities Markets (NiSM) performs two functions delegated to it under the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI (CAPSM) Regulations, 2007.

NiSM Exam Prepration

NiSM Exam Prepration Training require for all persons involved in selling and distributing Mutual Fund & PMS. Regulatory requirement for working in BFSI space

Invester Awareness Program

This project is conceived to educate the prospective rural investor so that he or she understands the benefit of saving, investment and capital formation or accumulation.





Happy Students

creative company and we offer you fresh

If you want to become successful, help others to become successful.


25 Years Of Experience

Passionate Educator & Corporate Trainer in Financial Markets with over 10000+ hours of Training experience with 950+ sessions in personal finance & Mutual Funds across India. Having rich experience in designing & delivery of assignments in Personal Financial Domain. Total Experience over 25 years of experience, including 19 years in Financial Services.
Invester Awareness Program
Exam Preparation Training


#nism #pms #wealthmanagement #apmi #nismcertification #amfi #mutualfund #mutualfundsahihai

Form Title

  1. Cricket Run Rate
  2. Cricket Batting Tips
  3. Cricket Bating Tips
  4. Get Ready For Non-stop Entertainment With Gamdom's Casino Games
  5. Get Ready For Non-stop Entertainment With Gamdom's Online Casino Games
  6. Betln Exchange
  7. Betline Exchange
  8. Game Exchange 567
  9. Diamond Exchange 9
  10. Skyexchange
  11. Cricket Essay In Hindi
  12. Hindi Cricket News
  13. Cricket News In Hindi Today
  14. Cricket Par Nibandh
  15. Aaj Ka Match Cricket
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